2020 Year in Review: Books

4 Responses

  1. I gotta say, you AMAZE me with your reading AND inspire me! I’ve often wondered if you’re a speed reader and if you are able to comprehend and remember all that you read? It’s simple truth that intelligent people are readers and as a leader, that’s a remarkable quality to possess. I enjoy your posts and appreciate the time you put in.
    I read through the Bible – again – in 2020 though it’s not my preferred method to learn the Bible but as a churchwide challenge, I didn’t want to be the one who couldn’t raise my hand as a member who accepted and completed the challenge. 🙂 This year, I’m going to dive into “Core 52 – A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide To Build Your Bible IQ In A Year” by Mark Moore. I’ve had it spiral bound and everything!
    I pray that you and your beautiful family (always enjoy the pics) have a wonderful and Happy New Year!
    God Bless you and your ministry Danny!
    Michelle Pigg
    Monroe, NC

    • Danny says:

      Michelle, I wish I could say that I comprehend and remember it all! If anything, I am trying to discipline myself to slow down when reading. I don’t want to sacrifice understanding for quantity. Happy new year to you!

  2. Bob Adams says:

    That’s a very diverse, very good list, Danny! You know I can’t pick a Top Ten (it’s like picking a favorite grandchild – I have 10!), but here are some of my best reads for 2020: I’ll see your Haunted Mansion book and raise it: Boundless Realms, by Foxx Nolte; from the always brilliant Leonard Sweet, Rings of Fire; The Sacred Overlap, by J.R. Briggs; Chief Engineer: The Man Who Built the Brooklyn Bridge, by Erica Wagner; and The Upswing: How America Came Together a Year Ago, and How We Can Do It Again, by Robert J. Putnam.

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