Author: Danny

Flashback Friday: Who Needs To Know Your Why

Flashback Friday: Who Needs To Know Your Why

  Last week I was talking to a guy who has virtually no first impressions experience, at least in the church world. But it was immediately obvious that he was a Who that already understood the Why. He...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

A Greater Identity. As a white American, I’m not sure I’ll ever completely understand my African American brothers’ and sisters’ hurt over the outcome of the recent Zimmerman trial. Earlier this week, a wise friend tried...

Three Keys to Building Your Volunteer Team

Fall is coming. And with Fall usually comes a big need for new volunteers. Every summer, pastors across the land are scouring the church roll and beating the bushes to get someone…anyone…to work with eighth...

Tim Keller on First Impressions

There’s a “Keller Clause” in the contract of all Summit employees. Because he and our lead pastor are besties, we have to quote Keller roughly every 20 minutes, or our tithing rate goes up significantly....

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

“Preachers of LA” brings the prosperity gospel to reality TV. ~sigh~ I’m not even sure where to begin with this. But I do like Joe Carter’s response over at the Gospel Coalition blog. “P. Diddy, Jay-Z,...

Stop Discovering Your Spiritual Gift

[This post is based on a sermon I preached at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. If you get the notion, you can listen to the entire message here.] Maybe you grew up in a church like...

Why You Shouldn’t Serve The Church

[This post is based on a sermon I preached at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. If you get the notion, you can listen to the entire message here.] You don’t have to live in Church World...

Killing the Culture of Entitlement

[This post is based on a sermon I preached at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. If you get the notion, you can listen to the entire message here.] It’s no secret that the Summit is...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Happy Fourth, friends. Three Ways the Gospel Changes How We Tip, by Jared Totten, seen on Trevin Wax’s blog. …nothing models gospel grace like a generous tip even after a server has blown it and failed to...

Your Menu Stinks

I love a good Mexican restaurant. Our family has our favorite where we tend to go elbow-deep in the chips and salsa as often as we can. And like most Mexican restaurants, their menu is...