Category: Serve’s Up

Think Through It Before They Think Through It

We’ve talked before about the importance of absorbing the awkwardness for your guests. That means we want to think through their experience before they arrive in order to help them avoid any embarrassment. But as you...

Back to the Future: The Volunteer Quiz Edition

It’s October 21, 2015, kiddies. Which – if you’re a child of the 80’s – can only mean one thing: The future is here. That’s right. Today is the day that Marty McFly traveled to...

Mommy, Where Do Leaders Come From?

Volunteers. Depending on your background or current situation, that word can either strike fear into your heart, fill you with dread, or – if you have had great experiences – make you imagine that you’re...

The Accidentally Illuminating Theology of Lumiere

A couple of mornings a week I take my daughter to kindergarten. We talk about lots of important stuff along the way: what snack is in her lunchbox. What snack might be in her lunchbox...

Putting in Your Time

Imagine for a moment that you’re in a big box store, a restaurant, or your doctor’s office. You have a question about something, and so you approach an employee. “Excuse me,” you begin… But the...

Don’t Divide Your Volunteers

Not long ago our five year old daughter lost her first tooth. Because we’re parents who are given to much childhood whimsy, we explained the concept of the Tooth Fairy and encouraged her to stash...

Flashback Friday: Why You Shouldn’t Serve The Church

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   You don’t have to live in Church World very long before you...

Act Like They’re Paying You $1,000.

Last week my wife was checking out at a local grocery store. While the lady in front of her was wrapping up her transaction and Merriem was starting to unload her cart, she overheard the...

Hitting the ESRC Button

Several months ago I had a conversation with my friend Tony, the owner / operator of my favorite Chick-fil-A. (Full disclosure: Tony employs two of my sons, so I will only speak in positive, glowing terms...

The Unseen

They’re all around us. Every weekend, they show up early and stay late. Driving rain, blazing sun, falling snow, gusting wind. It doesn’t matter. Whatever the weather, no matter the season, they’re there. Unloading trailers....