Category: Serve’s Up

Flashback Friday: Cruise Ship or Battleship?

Heads up to my SummitRDU friends: this weekend we’re making a big push for you to serve. Selflessly. Generously. Recklessly. We’re rolling in to a big fall season and we have multiple opportunities for you...

Flashback Friday: Stop Discovering Your Spiritual Gift

Maybe you grew up in a church like mine, where your pastor preached a 147 week series a couple of times a year on how to discover your spiritual gift, with an exhaustive explanation on...

Are Your Volunteers Saved By the Bell?

True story: I was just a little bit old for the Saved By The Bell. I was 16 when it premiered in ’89, and besides, it didn’t really take off until Mr. Belding hired his brother Rod as...

Leaders Pick Up The Trash

On Sunday morning I was walking up the sidewalk at one of our campuses when I saw our First Impressions Director coming from the other direction. He’d take a few steps, stoop down. Take a few...

You’re Not “Just a Volunteer.”

For those of us in ministry world, we hear that statement too many times. “I’m just a volunteer.” That statement can mean a lot of things: This job isn’t that big of a deal…I don’t have...

Flashback Friday: It Matters

Flashback Friday: It Matters

Every Friday we dive into the Wayback Machine for a little trip down memory lane. If you haven’t seen it, it’s new to you. Not everybody is going to be on stage this weekend. Not...

Where Do I Serve? Three Areas That Should Intersect

Stephen is one of my favorite characters in all of scripture. He was one of the early servants of the early church, but it’s important to note that Stephen was a table waiter. He wasn’t...

DPAC: Serve’s Up

DPAC is back. Last year’s services at the Durham Performing Arts Center were a high-water mark for our church. We swung the doors wide open to our community, inviting them in for two days as...

A Tale of Two Relationships

There are two businesses that I frequent on a regular basis. (And by “regular” I mean “compulsive.”) These are different businesses, with two different product lines, two different bottom lines. Both businesses are great. Both...

Church at the Ballpark: Why You Should Serve

Church at the Ballpark: Why You Should Serve

This thing is really happening. After months of planning, weeks of fine-tuning details, and hours upon hours of thinking through every last contingency, we’re almost ready for Church at the Ballpark. It’ll be the biggest worship...