Tagged: humor

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

I’m neck deep in volunteer spreadsheets for Christmas at DPAC and also not too shameless to take another opportunity to tell you that you can still sign up to serve. For that reason, here’s three...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Three things that have grabbed my attention like a spider monkey grabs a toupee off a bald guy’s head, in 3…2… Fluffo Gave Middle Tennesseans Good Night’s Sleep For 80 Years. In the “purely personal” category,...

Capturing the Magic

Capturing the Magic

No doubt about it, this little girl loves her daddy and our special time together. And by “loves” I mean “I think my ear drum ruptured.”

Why You Should Hate the iPhone 5

Why You Should Hate the iPhone 5

I realize it’s a bit late in the day to be tossing out new blog content, but two things: Today I’ve been busier than a two fingered man in a high five contest. I’m way...