Tagged: racism

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the bold print to read the entire...

Michael Brown is your neighbor.

  This week, all eyes are on Ferguson, Missouri, where an unarmed black man was killed by a policeman last Saturday. As I write, I’m grieved. Grieved over a broken family. Grieved over a broken community. Grieved...

Flashback Friday: Breakfast & Biracial Families

Flashback Friday: Breakfast & Biracial Families

Good grief. The interwebs have their collective panties in a bunch again this week, and the topic is breakfast cereal. Perhaps you’ve seen the furor over the upcoming Super Bowl ad featuring a biracial family...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

A Greater Identity. As a white American, I’m not sure I’ll ever completely understand my African American brothers’ and sisters’ hurt over the outcome of the recent Zimmerman trial. Earlier this week, a wise friend tried...

Breakfast & Biracial Families

Breakfast & Biracial Families

This is my new favorite commercial on TV, for obvious reasons. The little girl is cute as a button, and reminds me of…I don’t know…somebody.   But if you’ve been following the blogosphere, you know...

Flashback Friday: “We Don’t Do Comfortable.”

Flashback Friday: “We Don’t Do Comfortable.”

E’ry Friday, I scrape a couple of layers of strata off of the archaeological archives. Today, I dug up a post that just got me riled up all over again. Actually, it might have riled...