Author: Danny

Why First Impressions Isn’t Just For First Timers

It’s true: I think First Time Guests are a big deal. I believe that they should be an honored part of any church’s weekend. But a First Impressions team done well won’t just benefit the...

Flashback Friday: Crummy Church Signs

Flashback Friday: Crummy Church Signs

It happened again this week: I saw a really really bad church sign that was so bad, I had to pull over to snap a picture. Which reminded me of this post from a few years back:...

Thursday Three For All: Visual Edition

Thursday Three For All: Visual Edition

Feeling lazy? You’re in luck. I’m not even going to make you do the heavy lifting of reading this week. You’re welcome. (Remember, click on the bold print to see the original video.) It’s called...

Summer Reading List

Summer Reading List

Yes, yes. I realize that summer break is roughly 1/3 over. But I’m just now getting around to some vacation reading, which means I’m just now getting around to my sort of annual suggested reading...

“You Happy, Daddy?”

My little girl will turn three in August. She is the source of way too much laughter in our family. Her adorability seems to know no bounds, and she has her three big brothers, her...

Flashback Friday: Pride And Anxiety

Flashback Friday: Pride And Anxiety

Often when I pray, I’ll pray through 1 Peter 5:5-7 as a reminder of how to walk through my day: Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

(Remember kiddies: bold print takes you to the original article!) The Extravagant, Irrational Point. My friend and former Summit coworker Ashley Dickens wrote a phenomenal Fathers Day tribute to her dad. I’ve never met him, but...

Can Non-Members / Non-Believers Serve In The Church?

Housekeeping note: a newer version of this post is available, with slightly updated language (and a less-blurry header photo!). I’ve chosen to leave this post intact because the attached comments are helpful.  Once a month I...

You Belong In The Zoo

On Friday, we had the brilliant idea that we’d make the short trip down 85 to spend the day at the North Carolina Zoo. We took Haven once last year, but felt like – now...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Are you preparing for growth? (via Steven Kryger) Being a part of a rapidly-growing church for the last decade, I can attest that growth is messy. Sometimes painful. Not always a lot of fun. But part...