Author: Danny

Flashback Friday: Your Preferences May Be The Problem

Flashback Friday: Your Preferences May Be The Problem

I’m a man with exquisite tastes. Well, that’s not entirely accurate. I’ve been known to polish off a bag of chips that are well past the expiration date. And also, I view high dining as...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Ten ways to pastor adoptive parents and those considering adoption. As a daddy who has adopted, and a guy who pastors adoptive families, this article is spot on. The majority of adoptions are filled with great...

Along for the Ride

I just finished re-reading Nelson Searcy’s Fusion. It’s one of the top five books I recommend to anyone who is trying to refine the ministry of guest services / assimilation / first impressions / general all-around...

You Get One Chance

Recently I came across this comment from a first time guest. (You should know that I don’t make a habit of quoting FTGs on the blog. So if you’re a soon-to-be first timer, feel free...

Raise Ebenezer? Check.

Raise Ebenezer? Check.

Two weeks. Two. Glorious. Weeks. That’s what it’s been since the last post. In that time, my girl and I got away for a few days to celebrate twenty years of marriage. It was five...

Feet Up. Blog Down.

Feet Up. Blog Down.

Disclaimer: those feet above are not mine. Shoot, it’s not even my ficus, or whatever that plant is. Because the fact is, you couldn’t handle seeing my feet. They would cause you to flee screaming...

Flashback Friday: Directory Persistence

Flashback Friday: Directory Persistence

Around these parts on Friday, I kick back, relax, and turn some dials on the wayback machine. AAO: What is the name of your listing? Me: Lowe’s Hardware. AAO: Did you say, “Roses’ Variety Store”? Me: No.  Lowe’s Hardware....

Guesswork, part six: Protection and Progression

It’s the last week of a six part series called Taking the Guesswork Out Of Guest Services. If you’re a pastor or ministry leader of a church with no guest services team, a lagging guest services...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

(Remember kiddies, click on the bold print to see the original article.)   The Language of Success: Creating a Culture of Happiness. Bob Adams nails it on this summary of language from Disney U. What’s the...

Flashback Friday: Bless Your Heart Hospitality

Flashback Friday: Bless Your Heart Hospitality

It’s Friday, where I kick back with the proverbial bag of chips and reach into the archives. As they say on TV, if you haven’t seen it, it’s new to you! All of us are...