Author: Danny

Ain’t Too Proud To Beg

Ain’t Too Proud To Beg

Yesterday afternoon I received a text that every man dreams of receiving from his wife: “Free Chick Fil A sandwich with a worship guide. Bring some home and we’ll go there for dinner.” Yay-yuh. I’m...

Who Needs To Know Your Why.

If you hang around me for about seven minutes or so, you’ll immediately recognize two things: 1. I’m a big fan of Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. You don’t necessarily need to do anything with that...

New Day, New Parking Rules

New Day, New Parking Rules

Before you read the following post, take note that the original publication date was April 1. April. First. April Fools Day. Thank you. And carry on. If you’re a regular reader of this blog who...

People Trump Policies – Every Single Time

People Trump Policies – Every Single Time

West Club Campus Pastor Brad O’Brien tipped me off to this post by Phil Cooke. One quote worth mentioning… …your customers, media audience, or donors don’t care about your policy about anything. Policies are to...

Flashback Friday: North South Carolina

Flashback Friday: North South Carolina

I know what some of you are thinking. Some of you are thinking, “Hey Franks, not only do you veg out on Fridays and toss up some old piece of garbage that’s even less creative...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

FAA Says It Will Finally Consider Updating List of Approved Electronics. Whew. For too long I was afraid my game of Angry Birds would bring down the jet. The rules apparently require that every version...

On Death and Potato Salad

On Death and Potato Salad

Yesterday we buried Merriem’s last living grandparent. Grandmother Murphy was a true southern matriarch. Poised, polished, and prepared for every scenario, even making sure that each detail of her funeral was covered. It has been...

Don’t Look Right

A few years ago I attended a security seminar for churches. You know…how to take down a perpetrator when they try to take two crackers out of the Lord’s Supper tray. (My previous experience as...

Flashback Friday: All In

Flashback Friday: All In

Every Friday, we dig into the Connective Tissue archives to see what old dust-encrusted goodies we can pull out. Here’s today’s offering: …here’s what I loved about their wedding vows: Nathan & Cheryl wrote their...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

It’s day four of your work week, and your three-a-day is here with not-so-helpful links to get you through. Here’s what I’ve been reading (and enjoying) this week… Sleep Or Die. Nothing like starting your...