Author: Danny

Make It Remarkable

Update: Sharon Adl-Doost – featured in the post below – passed away in 2017. While the Lunch Lady Hotline is no longer a working number, I’ve chosen to leave the post up in honor of a...

Do For One

Last night in our super-awesome small group, we were going through part four of the super-awesome curriculum our super-awesome small group staff put together. We spent a few minutes talking about a wee little man...

Flashback Friday: Jonah Moments

Flashback Friday: Jonah Moments

We’re forever on the cusp of cutting edge here at Connective Tissue (the name of this blog. Pay attention.). Three weeks ago I introduced you to Thursday Three For All. Today we begin Flashback Friday....

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

The T34A is back…three links to stuff I’ve been reading and think might be of some interest to you. Enjoy. Singapore Airport’s extraordinary customer service (thanks to Brad O’Brien for the link) To Do Lists...

Sometimes You Gotta Get It Out(let)

So not too long ago, we sold our house after five years on the market and moved into a rental while we continue to search for just the right Casa Del Franks. Editor’s note: You...

The Details Nobody Sees

Last fall I had the opportunity to spend a week with about 80 church planters in Nairobi, Kenya. As part of that week’s agenda, I got to tag along on a safari in the northern...

Choosing Life

Yesterday was the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, as well as the observation of what the evangelical church refers to as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. For 19 years of ministry I’ve observed SOHL...

Church of Crisco

Church of Crisco

It’s that time of year again, when college students come back and the 12th day of Christmas is officially over and Summit pastors get a dazed look in their eyes and start muttering near-unintelligible things...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Last week we started T34A, a horribly-named new feature that hands over three links as freely as I’d hand over Peanut M&M’s. (ie, if I had 300 Peanut M&Ms, I’d freely hand over 3 of...

What’s Your Capacity?

Yesterday in our monthly staff meeting, we talked about burnout. Yes, burnout. For pastors. The guys who only work one day a week and whose idea of “a tough day at the office” involves dropping...