Category: Purely Personal


9,131. That’s the number of days that occur in a quarter of a century. 9,131. That’s 25 years x 365 days per year, + six leap days. 9,131. That’s the number of days since a way-too-young...

Take Ten.

I am what you would call a maximalist. Now in fairness, I’m not 100% sure that’s a word, nor am I 100% sure that if it is a word, I’m using it correctly. So let me explain...

Crazy Busy or Just…Crazy?

This season is what you might call “intensely active.” I’ve known it was coming for a while. Could see it’s approach like storm clouds on the horizon. Even had a date in my mind that marked...

Duly Noted

I am the dad of three sons. Correction. I was the dad of three sons. Or still am. For fifteen years “Male Father of Male Offspring” might as well have been on my business card. Merriem and...