Category: Say What?

Flashback Friday: Bible Doctrines Explained

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! I’m so thankful for folks like this who can clear up the doctrine...

PK 2k11

PK 2k11

In case you haven’t done the math, my kids are preacher’s kids, sometimes referred to in the churchiverse as “PKs.” They get top billing anytime I preach (whether the illustrations are true or not), they...

A Mighty Rushing Wind

A Mighty Rushing Wind

Our Topical Tuesday series will return next week. Meanwhile, this video just couldn’t wait another day. For the last few days I’ve been hanging out with the staff team and church family at Wynne Baptist...

Crummy Church Signs

Crummy Church Signs

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t weep bitter tears over the demise of the Crummy Church Signs blog.  The guy who ran that thing gave voice to a truth that I’ve...

Flash Mob Friday

Flash Mob Friday

I heart flash mobs – especially those that make snooty European bystanders do the awkward Macarena. Like it? Check out this post.

The Kid’s Got Guts

The Kid’s Got Guts

In case you missed it, one of our covenant members hit the big time on ESPN last week. Jon Lunn is one of our First Impressions Team leaders.  He’s also a NC State University student....

You Can Get Here From There

You Can Get Here From There

It’s time, dear readers, for the semi-every-other-little-while list of weird search terms…those odd descriptors that people typed into Google and ended up right here on ye olde blogge. (No extra charge for today’s British flair!)...

St. Francis of Assisi Revisited

St. Francis of Assisi Revisited

Preach the gospel at all times.  When necessary, use words. But don’t use your words obnoxiously, or shout them while you’re 30,000 feet in the air. And definitely DO NOT pause from using your shouting...

Makes (No) Sense to Me!

Makes (No) Sense to Me!

On the way to school this morning, my boys and I were talking about the news that General Motors will shut down it’s Saturn line later this year.  I was explaining the impact this would...

I’m Not The Best Parent, But…

I’m Not The Best Parent, But…

…at least I’ve never sat by while one of my children sang a song that included the words, “I shot a man just to watch him die.” Still, she’s so cute when she says it....