Category: Serve’s Up

Help Them Help Them

It’s the post so nice, I named it twice. If you’re a leader of people, part of your job is to help people help people.  In the church world, volunteers tend to volunteer because they...

Step Up

Step Up

At first glance, you might think this post is referring to the runaway hit dance movies that have made it to the big screen over the past few years.  I’m talking, of course, about Step...

First Impressions, North Raleigh Style

First Impressions, North Raleigh Style

There’s a dirty little rumor going around that the Summit is launching a North Raleigh Campus later this fall.  That’s right, we’re heading down 540 to the capital city…the City of Oaks…the City That Hoards...

Step It Up!

Step It Up!

Easter has rolled around again.  It’s going to be a crazy insane week around our church offices as we prepare.  But I’m as excited as I can be.  Here’s why: Hundreds of first time guests...

Topical Tuesday: Who Gets to Serve?

Topical Tuesday: Who Gets to Serve?

We’re in the middle of a several-week series called Topical Tuesdays, where you pick the topic and I make up answers.  You can add your topic / question to the list by commenting on this...

Why You Should Wake Up Tomorrow

Why You Should Wake Up Tomorrow

First things first: tomorrow is Saturday.  You know, Saturday: that day that many Americans view as their very own God-given right to sleep in late, have brunch at a little bistro-style restaurant with a name...

The Day We Baptized Everybody

The Day We Baptized Everybody

Picture it: Sunday morning, 9:50 AM.  We’re roughly 45 minutes away from the first of two baptism services of the day.  Two of my First Impressions Team members walk up and say, “Ummm…did you know...

Watch For It

Every once in a while I have a conversation that fuels me for days.  Last Thursday was one of those.  I met with one of our First Impressions leaders at one of our campuses and...

My First Ever Top Ten List

My First Ever Top Ten List

(at least on this blog) Top Ten Reasons You Should Join The First Impressions Team From the home office in Rougemont, NC   10. There’s nothing like the smell of freshly-printed worship guides, and you’ll...

Count the Cost

Count the Cost

  A few years back our media team produced a great video called “The Set Up Fairy.”  If I were more technologically adept I’d put it up here so you could see it, but trust...