Category: Serve’s Up

Where Did All The Passion Go?

Where Did All The Passion Go?

It happens in marriages.  It happens in jobs.  And it especially happens in churches.  Vision drifts, passion wanes, and people find themselves stuck in a rut with no way out. The problem is often not...

One in Four

One in Four

It’s Volunteer Week both on this blog and the Brier Creek AM Campus blog.  Want to know more?  Come to one of our Frontline events or go here to sign up for a ministry team....

Volunteer Week Begins!

Volunteer Week Begins!

Starting this morning over at the Brier Creek AM Campus blog, I’m running a series of posts that will (hopefully) cause an army of would-be volunteers to rise up from their fuzzy chairs, storm the...

Coming Soon To A Campus Near You

Coming Soon To A Campus Near You

As you know by now, this fall we’re adding a 12:30 service and a 10:45 overflow service to the Brier Creek AM Campus. With those additions come a huge need to beef up our First...

A First Impressions Primer, Part 2

A First Impressions Primer, Part 2

In yesterday’s post we started to answer a question from Doug in Michigan.  Read on for part 2 of that discussion.  Oh, and happy 200th post, Connective Tissue readers. Our FIT has one driving mission,...

West Club is Going to the Dogs

West Club is Going to the Dogs

Last week I heard a story from one of our campuses that just has to be told.  The Summit’s West Club Campus is located in the heart of a historical neighborhood that is populated with...

Professional Christians

Professional Christians

Audience Participation Week rolls on. Today’s submissions came from First Impressions wonder-girl Kiani Arkus. You can see her three words as well as a primer on A.P.W. here.   º º º º º To...

Tell the Why

Your Why matters. You have to know it, your team has to know it, and you have to know that your team knows it. Here’s why you have to continuously repeat the Why… The Why...

50 Word Week: Bay Venue

50 Word Week: Bay Venue

We’re in the middle of 50 Word Week on the blog.  The title and this paragraph don’t count.  Fifty words begin…now. For the next three Sundays, we’re going to open the Bay as an additional...

Take a Breath, Summit Peeps…

Take a Breath, Summit Peeps…

…we’re just a couple of days away from Easter Sunday.  It will be the biggest attendance weekend in history at the Summit Church, and here’s what you can do to get prepared: Serving?  Then make...