Tagged: adoption

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Ten ways to pastor adoptive parents and those considering adoption. As a daddy who has adopted, and a guy who pastors adoptive families, this article is spot on. The majority of adoptions are filled with great...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Three links that I like. Startin’ now: Who Are You Bringin’? My Arkansas buddy Matt outlines four people you’ll interact with between now and Easter. What’ll you do with them? There is no greater time to...

Forever Home.

Forever Home.

The bystanders at Raleigh-Durham Airport never knew what hit them. Late Monday afternoon a few dozen people descended on Terminal 2. They brought banners and balloons and cookies and a camera crew. They gathered at...

ThanksWeek: Choosing Life

ThanksWeek: Choosing Life

ThanksWeek rolls on here at the blog, where I’m dusting off some old posts and sharing them one more time.  Today’s gratitude check? My daughter. And my daughter’s birth parents. Here’s their story, which originally...

Choosing Life

Yesterday was the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, as well as the observation of what the evangelical church refers to as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. For 19 years of ministry I’ve observed SOHL...