Tagged: gospel

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Practical Tips for How to Make More Time for Reading. I love me some books. But over the last year my intake has tanked. I’m hoping this‘ll get me back on track. If I’m honest, even...

Twenty Years.

Twenty Years.

Those babies up there? That’s us. January 16, 1993 was the day we said “I do.” We were kids. Children. Nineteen years old, crazy in love, and convinced we were ready for the road ahead. We’d...

When Celebrity Comes to Church

It happened again this weekend. I was going through my normal weekend routine at the Summit when somebody walked up to me and – in a hushed whisper usually reserved for only CIA-level conversations –...

Flashback Friday: Reasons I Love My Church, #216

Flashback Friday: Reasons I Love My Church, #216

In the words of that great theologian Huey Lewis, “Is this the 50’s or 1999? …Gotta get back in time.” At the First Time Guest Tent last Sunday, a guest filled out one of our...

Not-So-Silent Night

Not-So-Silent Night

As I type, we’re wrapping up day one of Christmas at DPAC, and getting prepared for two more services on Christmas Eve. It has been – in short – amazing. Freakishly amazing. Our First Impressions...

Christmas at DPAC

Christmas at DPAC

If you live in the Raleigh-Durham area, you’ve hopefully seen the billboards, commercials, and inviter cards promoting Christmas at the Durham Performing Arts Center. These five events over two days is the Summit Church’s gift...

Master of the Oblivious

Master of the Oblivious

Yesterday Merriem and I accompanied Jacob, our oldest, to his company Christmas party. That’s right: we’re old enough to have a child with his own workplace party. After it was over with, we shopped for...

The Cross in the Midst of Chaos

The Cross in the Midst of Chaos

This afternoon our entire nation is focused on the horrific shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. The latest numbers report 26 people dead, many of them children, and many of those likely kindergarteners. Every time another headline...

Forever Home.

Forever Home.

The bystanders at Raleigh-Durham Airport never knew what hit them. Late Monday afternoon a few dozen people descended on Terminal 2. They brought banners and balloons and cookies and a camera crew. They gathered at...

What Story Are You Telling?

If you’ve read this blog for a few seconds you know that I’m a freakishly huge Disney fan. Not the type of fan where I have a Captain Hook costume in my closet and the...