Tagged: gospel

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

(Remember kiddies, if you’re new to T34A, click on the bold print to see the original article.) Ravi Zacharias on Postmodern Architecture. (via @_MichaelKelley) File this under A for “awwwww snap.” He said, “This is America’s...

Your Guests Aren’t the Problem

Last Sunday I dropped by a local fast food joint on my way over to the new Blue Ridge Campus. Join me in my flashback, won’t you? It was roughly 1 PM on a Sunday...

This Is Not Normal

This Is Not Normal

Yesterday afternoon marked the launch of the eighth campus of the Summit Church. Summit Blue Ridge kicked off with two services, a huge army of volunteers, and over 600 people in attendance. As I wandered...

Whatever It Takes: A Love Story

Whatever It Takes: A Love Story

You’re looking at my friends Ryan and Morgan, and my friend-that-I-haven’t-yet-met, Charlie. Charlie is an orphan from central Africa. Scratch that. Was an orphan from central Africa. A few months ago, a court declared Charlie a Doherty....

Serving Beyond Self

I’ve long told you that we have some of the best volunteers at any church, anywhere. In full disclosure, lots of pastors at lots of churches say that, but the difference is it’s really true...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Why It Matters What Outsiders Think. (via @davidcmathis) David Mathis hits it out of the park again. (Earlier I linked to his previous post, A Reason To Really Be Offended.) Paul prominently mentions “outsiders” again...

Flashback Friday: Breeding Generosity

Flashback Friday: Breeding Generosity

In light of our current Staying Faith series, I thought this was a fun post to pull out of the archives for today: Our people simply respond well to the call to give. Whether it’s...

So, “Atheist Megachurches” Are Apparently A Thing

So, “Atheist Megachurches” Are Apparently A Thing

Saw this article over the weekend in USA Today. The AP reports that “dozens of gatherings” of atheists are popping up across the U.S. after gaining ground in Britain. Here’s a clip: Hundreds of atheists...

Going the Extra Mile

Going the Extra Mile

I’m always amazed at our volunteer team’s insatiable desire to create a “wow” moment whenever they get a chance. But I’ve been really amazed at what I’ve witnessed the last couple of weekends at our Chapel Hill Campus....

Just Get Out Of The Way

Yesterday on my way home from church, I had an experience that was so surreal, so otherworldly, that I just wanted to keep driving around for a while in order to extend the moment (but...