Tagged: gospel

Do Hallelujah Fests Work?

It’s that time of year again: fall (or Autumn, if you consider yourself better than the rest of us). The time when hipsters break out their slightly-less-ironic scarves, pumpkin flavoring seeps into everything, and churches...

Believing Forgetters

Last week our staff team celebrated communion together, as we do each month. It’s one of my favorite times of worship here at the Summit, a time when none of us are worrying with weekend...



Raise your hand if you’re sick to death of clicking on this blog and seeing posts about Church At The Ballpark! (Oh, that’s right. I can’t see you.) But I promise, this is the last...

Church At The Ballpark Highlight Reel

Church At The Ballpark Highlight Reel

In case you missed the service this weekend, here’s the 2:38 recap of one of the most fun weekends we’ve experienced in a while.  

Speechless. Again.

Speechless. Again.

I recognized that moment immediately yesterday. It was the same moment I’d experienced two years prior. It was the experience of seeing hundreds of people leave their seats, walk the concourse, take the steps, head to a...

Marketing or Serving? (part two)

Marketing or Serving? (part two)

Clayton Greene is the First Impressions Director at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus, Sunday North Venue. You oughta follow him on Twitter, and you can catch part one here.   In his book on work, Every Good Endeavor,...

Marketing or Serving? (part one)

Clayton Greene is the First Impressions Director at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus, Sunday North Venue. You oughta follow him on Twitter. In his book on work, Every Good Endeavor, Tim Keller says the gospel teaches...

Flashback Friday: Evangelism Is Too Big Of A Deal

Flashback Friday: Evangelism Is Too Big Of A Deal

Sometimes I go back and read old posts, and realize how badly I still stink – years later – at putting what I wrote into practice. This is one of ’em. When evangelism creeps into the realm...

What’s Your Job?

Imagine for a moment that you’re a part of a fire department’s engine company: you’re the guys who slide down the pole and hop on the truck whenever the alarm goes out. And imagine that...

Vision Weekend 2013

Vision Weekend 2013

What. A. Weekend. We had a Small Groups Conference, College Leadership Retreat, and the largest Starting Point in the history of the Summit. We launched four new service times at two different campuses, on-boarded a...