Tagged: humor

Flashback Friday: Embracing Awkwardness

Flashback Friday: Embracing Awkwardness

We’ve been trying to meet as many neighbors as possible, a difficult feat when the average temperature this summer was Surface Of The Sun. But one neighbor I met fairly early on was a delightful...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

How Office Control Freaks Can Learn to Let Go. (via @Lifehacker) My name is Danny, and I am a control freak. (Hi, Danny!) If you find yourself taking on an increasing number of projects and/or people,...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

When Jesus Haunts Your Halloween. (via @davidcmathis) When Jesus haunts our Halloween, we pour in the extra energy and creativity to capitalize on this opportunity to meet new neighbors and go deep with the old —...

Flashback Friday: Autumn Has Arrived

Flashback Friday: Autumn Has Arrived

After my little tirade at the beginning of Wednesday’s post, I was reminded anew how much I dislike the word “Autumn.” (I think it was invented by Hallmark to sell more cards, or something.) But...

Flashback Friday: Fried Cheese, How I Love Thee

Flashback Friday: Fried Cheese, How I Love Thee

In what has become an annually-recurring post, I present my homage to the North Carolina State Fair. Who’s going this year? And most important: what’s your favorite fried dish? Upon entering the fairgrounds, head immediately...

Flashback Friday: The Plane Truth

Flashback Friday: The Plane Truth

On Friday I channel my inner lazy person (he’s not hard to find…he lurks just beneath the top layer of my epidermis). Instead of fresh content, I slap together two new sentences and maybe a...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

I read things. You read things. But life gets fun when we share what we’re reading, thinking about, and chewing on from around the web. Here are three of my “things” from the past week....

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Your Theology Doesn’t Matter (via @BenReed, HT @AlanPace). Simply put? Ben nails it. If you want to make loyal “customers,” (people who don’t just show up once, but come back regularly) that doesn’t start in the...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Kindle Matchbook will give discounted Ebook copies to hard copy owners. (via Lifehacker) So whatcha gonna do? Will you shell out a buck or three for a digital version of something you already own? Which book...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

The Church Welcome: This Time, With Feeling! (via @CarynRivadeneir) This is why we do what we do. While the cynic in me roars that the employees are only so welcoming because they’re being paid to or because we paid...