Tagged: humor

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Three links that I like. Startin’ now: Who Are You Bringin’? My Arkansas buddy Matt outlines four people you’ll interact with between now and Easter. What’ll you do with them? There is no greater time to...

Parenting 101

When you have four kids, people wrongly assume that you’re a parenting expert. They come by the droves asking advice, lining up at the front door like pilgrims in search of a guru on a...

Flashback Friday: Blame It On The Rain

Flashback Friday: Blame It On The Rain

Since it’s a bright sunny day outside, I figured it made sense to take us back to a rainy-day post. Because I’m all depressing like that. There are moments when you know that the pain...

Still Can’t Top It

Still Can’t Top It

Say what you will about last night’s Super Bowl commercials, this one from 1999 is still my favorite one ever: (although I’ll admit, this one was pretty good too)

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Remember kids, click on the bold print to see the original article. If Only They Knew How Many Times We Wanted To Quit! A great post on marital longevity by my friend Matt Pearson. Couples who have...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

If Days Could Speak. Trevin Wax beautifully encapsulates the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The tears of those affected are unseen, because they never had the chance to cry. Their suffering is silent, captured only...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Practical Tips for How to Make More Time for Reading. I love me some books. But over the last year my intake has tanked. I’m hoping this‘ll get me back on track. If I’m honest, even...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Three links, crankin’ now. (Remember, click on the bold stuff to see more.) Clean Bathrooms. Have I mentioned lately how much I like Seth Godin? It turns out that just about everything we do involves cleaning...

Flashback Friday: Walkin’ After Midnight

Flashback Friday: Walkin’ After Midnight

Headin’ into the not-so-wayback machine in 3…2… …at 3:30 AM, I decided that the only thing that would put that kid to sleep was a car ride. (Also a horse tranquilizer, but I was fresh...

Flashback Friday: Sad Christmas Carols

Flashback Friday: Sad Christmas Carols

It’s Friday, kiddies, and that means you get recycled content. Hey, it’s better than coal in your stocking. Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Let Her Go. Up on the housetop reindeer pause, and watch...