Tagged: serve

DPAC: Serve’s Up

DPAC is back. Last year’s services at the Durham Performing Arts Center were a high-water mark for our church. We swung the doors wide open to our community, inviting them in for two days as...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Avoiding the Christmas Crowd Trap. (via @MarkLWaltz) A great reminder as we head towards Christmas at DPAC. Don’t just show up to serve. Engage.  We expect thousands of new people this Christmas season. People who haven’t...

Serving Beyond Self

I’ve long told you that we have some of the best volunteers at any church, anywhere. In full disclosure, lots of pastors at lots of churches say that, but the difference is it’s really true...

A Tale of Two Relationships

There are two businesses that I frequent on a regular basis. (And by “regular” I mean “compulsive.”) These are different businesses, with two different product lines, two different bottom lines. Both businesses are great. Both...

Christmas at DPAC is Back

Christmas at DPAC is Back

That’s right, boys and girls: Christmas is coming again this year. Even better, it’s coming back to Durham Performing Arts Center. More info is coming later on tickets, service times, and how you can volunteer...

The Unsung Heroes of Church At The Ballpark

The Unsung Heroes of Church At The Ballpark

Around our offices, the buzz is still going about Church At The Ballpark. Yes, yes, I know that it’s now out of sight, out of mind, and many of you are moving on to bigger...

There Is No “Panic” In Team

There Is No “Panic” In Team

These are my people. This is the team that I get to do shoulder-to-shoulder ministry with on a regular basis. There are more people beyond this team: more that I love, more that I respect,...

Flashback Friday: You Matter

Flashback Friday: You Matter

We’re days away from Church at the Ballpark ’13, and my mind keeps drifting to the 100’s of volunteers who have stepped up to serve. I love their service, their passion, their sacrifice. So with...

Church at the Ballpark: Why You Should Serve

Church at the Ballpark: Why You Should Serve

This thing is really happening. After months of planning, weeks of fine-tuning details, and hours upon hours of thinking through every last contingency, we’re almost ready for Church at the Ballpark. It’ll be the biggest worship...

What’s Your Job?

Imagine for a moment that you’re a part of a fire department’s engine company: you’re the guys who slide down the pole and hop on the truck whenever the alarm goes out. And imagine that...