Category: Leadership

When “Yes” Leads To “No”

In a church our size, there are plenty of opportunities to do plenty of things.  Big things.  Small things.  Expensive things.  Free things.  Hard things.  Easy things.  Things, things, and more things… “Would you partner...

Leader or Manager?

One of my summer reads was the instant classic Tribes by the always insightful Seth Godin.  I’ve been re-reading it with my team over the last couple of weeks, and it’s been rocking my world....

Investing Yourself

Investing Yourself

Monday night I caught up with a friend of mine from back in Tennessee.  I’ve known Zach since he was a wee lad (he’s several years younger than me).  When I was in high school...

Growing Pains

Growing Pains

Most of human civilization recognizes this guy’s face.  Kirk Cameron rose to meteoric fame when he portrayed Cameron “Buck” Williams in the smash blockbuster, Left Behind, which brought in literally dozens of dollars at the...

Pastoral Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia

Pastoral Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia

We’ve all been there.  At some point in your life – likely sometime this past summer – you were stricken with a dreaded case of sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia.  That’s right…brain freeze. Brain freeze happens when we...

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