Category: Learning Curve

Through a Glass Darkly

If you don’t live in the Triangle region of North Carolina, you may not know that this weekend we had unseasonably warm temperatures. And by “unseasonably warm” I mean that it really wasn’t all that...

Grow Small Before You Go Big

The best ministry leaders are dreamers. Huge visionaries. Think-ten-years-ahead kind of people. They know what the end result should look like, and they stack strategies and fund budgets and build teams to move the dream...

Give It Away

This weekend the Summit played host to representatives from a couple of different church staff teams. They were spending time with us in order to observe some of the ministry initiatives they’re intending to launch...

You Need a CEO

Every person on the planet needs a CEO. The Apostle Paul had one. King David had one. And if you don’t have one, you need to get one. I’m talking about a Chief Encouragement Officer....

Marshmallow Grabbing and the Gospel

Yesterday I was rolling down the road and listening to NPR, because apparently I’m 62 and have an affection for endangered spotted owls. They were doing a feature story on the infamous “Marshmallow Test” conducted...

When Celebrity Comes to Church

It happened again this weekend. I was going through my normal weekend routine at the Summit when somebody walked up to me and – in a hushed whisper usually reserved for only CIA-level conversations –...

Dancing with the Elephant: Define Your Win

In my role at the Summit, one of my hats is to help run point for some of our larger-scale events. Things like Church at the Ballpark, The Gospel Summit, and Christmas at DPAC fall...

Master of the Oblivious

Master of the Oblivious

Yesterday Merriem and I accompanied Jacob, our oldest, to his company Christmas party. That’s right: we’re old enough to have a child with his own workplace party. After it was over with, we shopped for...

The Cross in the Midst of Chaos

The Cross in the Midst of Chaos

This afternoon our entire nation is focused on the horrific shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. The latest numbers report 26 people dead, many of them children, and many of those likely kindergarteners. Every time another headline...

Flashback Friday: Template It

Flashback Friday: Template It

This one’s for the pencil-pushing, numbers-crunching, spreadsheet-making organizational nerds out there. Merry Christmas. If you’re a leader who tends to run regularly recurring events, you need an event template. Weekly events are one thing: you...