Category: Learning Curve

Template It

Template It

Regular readers of this blog know that there’s nothing necessarily regular about this blog. Some days we talk about Bibley things, some days we talk about family things, some days we talk about guest servicey...

Guarding Against the Grumbling

I’ve been hanging out a lot in Exodus lately, which is undoubtedly one of my favorite books of the Bible. Behind 1 Timothy. But ahead of Malachi. Maybe tied with Genesis. Definitely more attention grabbing...

Flashback Friday: Good Friday? GREAT Friday.

Flashback Friday: Good Friday? GREAT Friday.

Today marks the centerpiece of Christianity. The day upon which all eternity hinges. I could think of no better flashback than this one, inspired by Max Lucado’s Next Door Savior: With hands nailed open, he invited...

Who Needs To Know Your Why.

If you hang around me for about seven minutes or so, you’ll immediately recognize two things: 1. I’m a big fan of Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. You don’t necessarily need to do anything with that...

Flashback Friday: All In

Flashback Friday: All In

Every Friday, we dig into the Connective Tissue archives to see what old dust-encrusted goodies we can pull out. Here’s today’s offering: …here’s what I loved about their wedding vows: Nathan & Cheryl wrote their...

Not Their Niche

What happens when a team member (be it paid staff, volunteer, etc.) discovers they’re not passionate about something that’s part of their job? Worse, what happens when you discover it before they do? Maybe their job...

Top Moments in Ten Years

Top Moments in Ten Years

In yesterday’s post I mentioned that we’re celebrating the Summit’s 10th anniversary. On February 17, 2002, Merriem and our two kids at the time walked into Homestead Heights Baptist Church (I followed along the next...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

I’m still licking my wounds from the fact checker fail of the century in yesterday’s blog post. (Hey…at least I gave UNC some love. They needed it after last night. “You guys didn’t beat your...

Do For One

Last night in our super-awesome small group, we were going through part four of the super-awesome curriculum our super-awesome small group staff put together. We spent a few minutes talking about a wee little man...

Flashback Friday: Jonah Moments

Flashback Friday: Jonah Moments

We’re forever on the cusp of cutting edge here at Connective Tissue (the name of this blog. Pay attention.). Three weeks ago I introduced you to Thursday Three For All. Today we begin Flashback Friday....