Category: Purely Personal

Believe: the Backup Plan

Believe: the Backup Plan

My 12 year old volunteers with a three year old class on Sundays.  Last week they were working on some sort of art project, and he decided to go with a Believe theme.  This is...

Does This Make Me a Grandpa?

Does This Make Me a Grandpa?

The Franks family has expanded…kind of. Nope, none of my kids have taken child brides (deep breath, Summit elders). But a few weeks ago, Christopher & Nicole welcomed baby Noah into the world. A few...

Remembering Virginia

Remembering Virginia

Last week I received the call that I knew would come someday: “Virginia’s gone.” Virginia had battled cancer for the last several years.  Like everything else in life, she faced it with courage and an...



Last night, after picking up my 14 year old from baseball practice, this actually happened.  No, I don’t know where my kids get their sick sense of humor.  After all, I’m a straight-laced, no-nonsense guy....

Topical Tuesdays: How Did You Get Here?

Topical Tuesdays: How Did You Get Here?

We’re in the middle of a several-week series called Topical Tuesdays, where you pick the topic and I make up answers.  You can add your topic / question to the list by commenting on this...

This Post is Rated Pee.G.

This Post is Rated Pee.G.

I have a dog.  You know that if you’ve read the blog-that-is-not-a-dog-blog for any length of time.  But more specifically, I have a dog that I don’t understand, and I’m convinced that no one else...

Work On Your Marriage

Work On Your Marriage

I dig my wife.  I hope that if you’ve spent more than 1.7 seconds with me, you pick up on that fact.  We met over 19 years ago as high school sweethearts, and she still...

Relationship Rules

I’ve had two pretty major relational upheavals in my life lately that have left me quite shaken: my hair cut lady left the chain I’ve been going to for seven years, and my mechanic moved...



chutz·pa [khoot-spuh, hoot-] –noun 1. unmitigated effrontery or impudence; gall. 2. audacity; nerve. 3. my 12 year old standing above the student section at Cameron on Saturday night. Needless to say, this was a “before” picture.  The “after”...

Parents, We Need To Behave.

I’ve been thinking a lot about parenting lately, (a) because I are one, and (2) because it’s Very Hard Work.  If you’re a parent, you know that to be true.  These are people that you...

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