Category: Serve’s Up

Don’t Fix It On Sunday

We’ve all been there. You’re heading through the normal routine of the weekend life of a ministry leader: arrive early. Double-check your checklist. Turn on the lights. Fire up the sound system. Get some coffee...

The Two Words That Will Kill Your Volunteer Ministry

Churches and non-profits are built on the backs of volunteers. When babies are rocked, small groups are led, or coffee is poured, those things are more often than not a result of a process that...

10 Mistakes You’re Making When Recruiting Volunteers

If you’re in ministry, you live in the world of volunteers. The weekend (and the week) doesn’t happen without the people who work hard with no pay. But free labor doesn’t pop up easy. Here are...

Announcing a New One-Day Workshop: Volunteer Culture

Someone once said that every organization is a volunteer organization. It’s true. If you’re a business owner, your employees have a choice on whether or not they work for you. If you run the place like a...

The Training Game

There are two types of churches when it comes to the training of volunteers: those who actually do it well, and those who really really really need to do it (really). And yes, I’m painting...

Why You Need a VHQ

One of our values for our First Impressions team is “Attend One, Serve One.” We want our volunteers to be able to fully engage in worship in one service, then fully engage by serving in...

Hospitality Can’t Take a Vacation

We’re barely ankle deep into the summer season around these parts. The mountains and beaches are calling, and people are responding. (Side note: mountain people? I love you. Let’s hang out more. Beach people? I...

Raising Up Leaders for Your Guest Services Team

You can’t do it all. Hopefully you’ve realized that by now. You’ll never have the time, bandwidth, attention span, or energy to pull off all of the tasks that pile up on you. That’s why shared...

The Royal Order of Sword Orderers

  Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a king. He was a good king and a noble king. He was a brave and bold and wise and kind king. He loved...

Why Leadership Development Needs Poetry and Plumbing

This spring I’ve been excited to partner with Lifeway Leadership as they roll out their Leadership Pipeline plan. If you haven’t downloaded their free ebook, go and do that now. Right now. (I’ll wait.) Later this...