Category: Super Heroes

The Unsung Heroes of Church At The Ballpark

The Unsung Heroes of Church At The Ballpark

Around our offices, the buzz is still going about Church At The Ballpark. Yes, yes, I know that it’s now out of sight, out of mind, and many of you are moving on to bigger...

There Is No “Panic” In Team

There Is No “Panic” In Team

These are my people. This is the team that I get to do shoulder-to-shoulder ministry with on a regular basis. There are more people beyond this team: more that I love, more that I respect,...

Flashback Friday: You Matter

Flashback Friday: You Matter

We’re days away from Church at the Ballpark ’13, and my mind keeps drifting to the 100’s of volunteers who have stepped up to serve. I love their service, their passion, their sacrifice. So with...

Turning Crowds Into Wows

This weekend was the first of two peak attendance weekends we hit every August. It’s when our vacationing families return and our awesome college kids come back, bringing a couple hundred freshmen with them. Side...

Living the Mission

Living the Mission

A bit of backstory: at the church where I serve, our Brier Creek Campus has a venue that opens during the fall and spring, our peak attendance times. We call it “BC South,” and it’s...

You Matter

It hit me again yesterday morning. The temperature was in the 40s. The cold, cold rain was steadily coming down out of a dreary gray sky. It was a great day to be a duck....

Forever Home.

Forever Home.

The bystanders at Raleigh-Durham Airport never knew what hit them. Late Monday afternoon a few dozen people descended on Terminal 2. They brought banners and balloons and cookies and a camera crew. They gathered at...

Flashback Friday: West Club is Going to the Dogs

Flashback Friday: West Club is Going to the Dogs

From the archives: a must love dogs story… The Summit’s West Club Campus is located in the heart of a historical neighborhood that is populated with urban professionals and urban professional canines.  These are the types of...

The Sermon Really Does Start In The Parking Lot

Every once in a while an email comes across my computer screen that just has to be shared. This is one of those. I share the following (abbreviated) selection with the author’s permission: Hello Danny,...

Turn Your Leaders Loose

One of my First Impressions shift leaders snapped this picture on Sunday and sent it to me. He was impressed. I was beyond impressed. I think you will be too: This is a diagram that...