Tagged: church

Flashback Friday: “We Don’t Do Comfortable.”

Flashback Friday: “We Don’t Do Comfortable.”

E’ry Friday, I scrape a couple of layers of strata off of the archaeological archives. Today, I dug up a post that just got me riled up all over again. Actually, it might have riled...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

TGIT? You betcha. Here are three things that I’ve had my eyes on this week (click the header links to read the full articles). Broken Events. Every single pastor and every single speaker and every single...

What Story Are You Telling?

If you’ve read this blog for a few seconds you know that I’m a freakishly huge Disney fan. Not the type of fan where I have a Captain Hook costume in my closet and the...

How to Complain

Preface: if you’re a pastor (or you’re a human), you’re going to receive criticism. And if you’re a pastor (or you’re human), you’re going to give criticism. So if you’re gonna do it, you might...

ThanksWeek: Dream Team

ThanksWeek: Dream Team

It’s Thanksgiving Week here in the USA (G’day, British readers!), which means one thing around the Summit offices: It’s quiet. That’s true. Many of our staff is traveling, we’re in the very brief lull between...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Thursday hath arrived. And with it, the terrific trio: Seven Things a Pastor’s Kid Needs from His Father. If anyone has the right to write this, it’s the son of the Pied Piper himself. Good stuff...


It’s baaaa-aaaack. The day is here.  You know the one: it’s the day that has caused friction in Christian circles for nigh unto forever.  The day that stirs debate much like a wooo-hooo-ooo-witchy woman stirring up...