Tagged: hospitality

“I’ll See You Tomorrow!”

It definitely wasn’t what I expected. I stopped by the Wendy’s drive through on my way home from church on Sunday. I went through the traditional song and dance with the order taker: place order....

Hospitality on Parade

  This is a tale of two traditions. Tradition #1 is the Bahama Christmas Parade. For you non-Durhamites, that’s not “ba-HAH-ma,” as in the Caribbean over-commercialized islands, but “ba-HAY-muh,” as in a small community on...

See Them First

“They’ll see you before you see them.” That’s what a friend of mine said a few months back in a meeting we were both attending, and I’ve never forgotten it. “We say that a smile goes...

Missional Hospitality

The following is a guest post by Josh Miller, the Summit’s Associate Pastor for North American Church Planting. (Full disclosure: I didn’t ask for the shout out in the post, but I do appreciate it.) Follow Josh...

Nobody Cares About Your Rules

I have a theory about Church People. I’m allowed to have theories about Church People, because I myself am a Church Person. Born and bred. All my life plus nine months. Went straight from the hospital...

The Hospitality Litmus Test

Think back to last weekend. What did your interaction with guests look like? How many did you speak to? How many did you take the time to notice? How many caused you to interrupt your tasks...

What’s at Stake?

One of our church planters forwarded me this email last week. I share it both with his and the original author’s permission. I’ve changed her name and the name of our church plant for privacy...