Tagged: strategy

Q&A: How Do We Get Guests’ Contact Information?

Q: What is the best way to get newcomers’ contact information? We have a connect card attached to our weekly program. During announcements the service host draws attention to the card asking people to fill...

Get Out In Front Of It

The beginning of a new year is a natural time for us to think we’re starting with a clean slate: I’m going to eat better. I’m going to exercise more. I’m going to spend more time...

Flashback Friday: Stop. Think.

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   Every weekend, you commit a huge sin against those that come into...

Five Reasons Your New Volunteers Don’t Come Back

Imagine the scenario: you’ve made a big push to invite new people to serve on your volunteer team. You spent weeks designing the publicity, made dozens of phone calls, sent hundreds of emails, had countless...

Don’t Fix It On Sunday

We’ve all been there. You’re heading through the normal routine of the weekend life of a ministry leader: arrive early. Double-check your checklist. Turn on the lights. Fire up the sound system. Get some coffee...

Back to the Battle Plan

If you’re in ministry, you likely went into last weekend with a strategy of some sort. Whether you were unveiling a new initiative, assembling a new volunteer team, or preparing for an influx of new...

Feel the Effect

When working with a team, it can be difficult to get your vision across. What is crystal-clear in your skull doesn’t always translate once it leaves your lips. And while being a clear visionary is...

Flashback Friday: What Helps Them?

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! One of our rules of thumb for our First Impressions team is Be...

Hospitality Can’t Take a Vacation

We’re barely ankle deep into the summer season around these parts. The mountains and beaches are calling, and people are responding. (Side note: mountain people? I love you. Let’s hang out more. Beach people? I...

Staff the Doors

Most improvements to your guest services team can be made in 1% increments. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel or launch a massive new initiative; a lot of great things can come from a...