Tagged: volunteer

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Remember campers, click on the bold print to see the whole enchilada.   How the devil comforts us. (Ray Ortlund) Wow. “When the devil accuses us and says, ‘You are a sinner and therefore damned,’ we should answer,...

Guesswork, part five: Build the Team

We’re in week five of a series called Taking the Guesswork Out Of Guest Services. If you’re a pastor or ministry leader of a church with no guest services team, a lagging guest services team, a...

Answer The Question They’re NOT Asking

A couple of weeks ago our kids were out of school for spring break. Because we’re the type of parents who prefer to show our love by shoving a bucket of trans fats in their...

Flashback Friday: What Does Your Posture Reveal?

Flashback Friday: What Does Your Posture Reveal?

Every Friday we get all into recycling around this place. This post originally appeared on July 17, 2008: …Now, that’s what she said.  What she revealed was, “I’m making a lousy eight bucks an hour working this dead-end job....

Introducing Ministry Grid

Introducing Ministry Grid

No matter the size of your church or the breadth of your volunteer team, you likely struggle with the never-ending need for good quality training. If you’re like me, you’ve spent roughly 40 bajillion waking...

Why We Say “Attend One, Serve One”

On our First Impressions Team at the Summit, we try to get by with just a very few rules: never be rude to a guest. Serve where you’re wired. Never feed ’em after midnight. But...

You Matter

It hit me again yesterday morning. The temperature was in the 40s. The cold, cold rain was steadily coming down out of a dreary gray sky. It was a great day to be a duck....

Flashback Friday: They Get It

Flashback Friday: They Get It

I love a good volunteer story at the Summit Church. I love stories of people who sacrifice their good for the greater good. You’ll love this one, too. My husband and I were driving to...

Does Attitude Match Atmosphere?

Last weekend I blazed through Nelson Searcy’s new book Connect: How to Double Your Number of Volunteers. I’m sure I’ll return to this blog in the weeks to come to more fully unpack some of the content,...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Three things I’ve been reading. Three things I hope you’ll enjoy. Remember: click the bold print to read the whole shebang. Watching is Not Doing (Confronting the Spectator Problem). Oh, that our pew-dwellers would read and heed Seth...