Tagged: volunteer

Three Keys to Building Your Volunteer Team

Fall is coming. And with Fall usually comes a big need for new volunteers. Every summer, pastors across the land are scouring the church roll and beating the bushes to get someone…anyone…to work with eighth...

Stop Discovering Your Spiritual Gift

[This post is based on a sermon I preached at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. If you get the notion, you can listen to the entire message here.] Maybe you grew up in a church like...

Why You Shouldn’t Serve The Church

[This post is based on a sermon I preached at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. If you get the notion, you can listen to the entire message here.] You don’t have to live in Church World...

Why First Impressions Isn’t Just For First Timers

It’s true: I think First Time Guests are a big deal. I believe that they should be an honored part of any church’s weekend. But a First Impressions team done well won’t just benefit the...

Can Non-Members / Non-Believers Serve In The Church?

Housekeeping note: a newer version of this post is available, with slightly updated language (and a less-blurry header photo!). I’ve chosen to leave this post intact because the attached comments are helpful.  Once a month I...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

(Remember campers, if you’re new to Thursday Three For All, click on the bold print to read the entire / original post. Spell it out. One of my greatest leadership sins is thinking that my team...

I Got Middle Schooled

  Yesterday was a hard day. Several weeks ago, I signed up as a volunteer proctor at Jacob & Austin’s school. The sales pitch was that parents were needed to hang out in the rooms...

Play With Your Team

Sometimes we get so caught up in the constant barrage of ministry that we forget to pull back and have fun with the people we do ministry with. One of the sure-fire ways to push a...

Filter Your Focus

Over the last couple of months I’ve read two or three books that just happened to mention the Reticular Activating System. [Pause whilst I attempt to sound smart.] The RAS is the network of nuclei...

Along for the Ride

I just finished re-reading Nelson Searcy’s Fusion. It’s one of the top five books I recommend to anyone who is trying to refine the ministry of guest services / assimilation / first impressions / general all-around...