Author: Danny

A Walk To Remember

Here on the ol’ blog, I talk a lot about the mechanics of hospitality: systems, structures, and staffing that takes a biblical virtue and puts it together on an institutional level. But perhaps more important...

Flashback Friday: The Futility of Balance

Flashback Friday: The Futility of Balance

From the archives: There will be days…weeks…months where I have to give an inordinate amount of time to the church or to ministry.  But there will also be times that are relatively calm.  Both are...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Six ways to maximize church stage announcements. (via @timrpeters, HT @persinger) As a part time Pastor of Announcements (shut up. It’s a thing.), I totally agree with all of these. (Except for the  “5-10 minute” time...

Friendly, But Not Intentional

Have you ever considered that your church needs to get over being friendly? Frequently when I show up at a church to help with guest services training, I’m approached by a sweet little blue haired...

Structuring Your First Impressions Team

Yesterday I received an email from a pastor who is trying to revamp the guest services ministry at his church. He asked the “structure” question: How do you have your team organized? Since that’s a question I...

The Last Straw

On Friday, Merriem and I stole away to one of our favorite date spots: Ted’s Montana Grill. It’s the perfect place to go if you like eating copious amounts of meat while staring at the...

Flashback Friday: The Plane Truth

Flashback Friday: The Plane Truth

On Friday I channel my inner lazy person (he’s not hard to find…he lurks just beneath the top layer of my epidermis). Instead of fresh content, I slap together two new sentences and maybe a...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

How To Keep A Library Of (Physical) Books. I love me some books (especially the ones that deal with grammar). Ryan Holiday schools us on how to organize an incredibly large library. I’ll be real...


What do people assume about your church at first glance? I’m not talking about your building, your property, or your curb appeal. No, when people park their cars and approach the front door, what would...

Flashback Friday: Your Best Is Only As Good As Your Worst

Flashback Friday: Your Best Is Only As Good As Your Worst

Time to open up the wayback machine, boys and girls. …The order taker was a most unhelpful young man who had been hired exclusively on his ability to mumble and get my order wrong. After...