Author: Danny

Year End Review: Search Terms

Year End Review: Search Terms

I heart me some Google search terms. I believe that when Al Gore was inventing the Internet, there’s no way he could have foreseen the fun you could have by typing in random stuff and...

Year End Review: Books

Year End Review: Books

It’s that time again, boys and girls. Time to gather around the warm screen of your laptop and tune in for the turn-of-the-year tradition known as the Connective Tissue Year End Review. What? You didn’t...

Merry Christmas from the Franks Family!

Our year has been a little bit country, a little bit 1960’s Rat Pack. May you and your family have a blessed day focused on the baby who gave us life!   Thanks to A...

Sad Christmas Carols

Over on my alternate world known as The Twitter, it’s been a fun few weeks as we’ve been taking a look at Sad Christmas Carols. You know…not the CheeryHappyJollyMerry songs that greet you in every...

How Do They See It?

I don’t want to become blind. I don’t want to fail to see what other people see. I don’t want to overlook a glaring hole in our process for welcoming first time guests. I don’t...

O Little Town of 2k10

O Little Town of 2k10

More than likely, you’ve already seen this. I tend to be late to the viral video scene, mostly because I wash my hands a lot and wipe my keyboard down with antibacterial wipes. But if...

Death of a Christmas Tradition?

Death of a Christmas Tradition?

I have a confession to make: I’m not supposed to be writing this blog post. Instead, I’m tucked away in my bedroom on Sunday night, sent here by my bride who told me not to...


Before you complain that somebody took the seat that you always sit in at church… Before you get aggravated that you have to walk a little farther from your car in the cold or the...

Dream Team

Dream Team

As I write, we’ve just finished up Summit Staff Christmas Party 2k10. The auditorium is a wreck, the lobby is covered in coffee spills, and I’m pretty sure I just drank a year’s supply of...



I dig good stories of customer service. Especially when I’m the customer in question. Sure, I want you to have a good experience wherever you go, but I don’t want you to have all the...