Category: Book Review / Insight

Top Ten Quotes: Liturgy of the Ordinary

I tackled Tish Harrison Warren’s Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life as a part of my summer reading list. I’ll admit: some of the books on that list were difficult to work through and...

Top Ten Quotes: What’s Best Next

I realize that I am way, way, way behind in reading one of the most popular books from a couple of years yore, which is ironic since it is a book on – of all things –...

Top Ten Quotes: No Little Women

Earlier this year I told you that one of my summer reading goals was to read more “non-white guy” voices. I asked you – the reader – for suggestions of your favorite authors and books,...

Top Ten Quotes: The Come Back Effect

There were two books released in 2018 that I was insanely excited about. One was…ahem…well, you know. But the other might have edged out my excitement just a tiny bit more, if for no other...

Top Ten Quotes: None Like Him

I just wrapped up None Like Him: 10 Ways God is Different from Us (And Why That’s a Good Thing) by Jen Wilkin. And…wow. What a refreshing, focused, renewed look at the character of God. Jen delivers...

2018 Summer Reading List: Mine.

Yesterday I offered up ten books I think you should try reading this summer. Today, I’d like to share my own stack that I’ll be working through. But before I get to the list, let...

2018 Summer Reading List: Yours.

It’s summatime, summatime, sum-sum-summatime. And summatime means catch-up-on-your-reading time. Seriously, what are beaches, back porches, and poolsides for if not to break out your paperback or Kindle and make yourself smarter? (And don’t say “for...

Top Ten Quotes: The Way of the Dragon or The Way of the Lamb

Recently our staff team read The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb, by Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel. It is a painful read, not because of bad writing but because of a tough...

Top Ten Quotes: Becoming a Welcoming Church

I gravitate to church guest services books like a moth to a flame. That’s why I was very excited to see Thom Rainer release not one, but two books in the genre last month. Becoming a Welcoming Church is...

Top Ten Quotes: Not God Enough

It’s weird to have a pastor who is also an author. Take, for example, my pastor, J.D. Greear. He has written five books, and every time another one comes out, I read it (because I want to...

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