Category: Book Review / Insight

2019 Summer Reading List: Mine.

Earlier this week I tossed eleven books your way that I think you should read this summer. But earlier still, I started polling the social media interwebs to figure out what you’re reading that I...

2019 Summer Reading List: Yours.

It’s that hallowed time of the year, kiddies: the time when reading nerds break out their pasty legs, slather on some SPF 90, and catch up on books we’ve been meaning to get around to....

Top Ten Quotes: Leadership as an Identity

Our staff team recently read through Leadership as an Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence by Crawford Loritts, Jr. The book came highly recommended by a friend, so I was excited...

Top Ten Quotes: The Cross of Christ

Confession time: I didn’t actually read all of my assigned seminary textbooks. (Gasp.) It’s sad, but it’s true of this lazy academian. Academan. Student. One of those books that was assigned-but-went-unread was The Cross of...

Book #2 is Coming Soon!

Before you read the following post, take note that the original publication date was April 1. April. First. April Fools Day. Thank you. And carry on. Last year I released my first book, People Are the Mission: How Churches Can Welcome Guests Without Compromising the Gospel....

Top Ten Quotes: Secrets of a Secret Shopper

Greg Atkinson visits churches. He visits a lot of churches. As a consultant, he’s hired by churches across the country to evaluate their worship services and processes for guests. (Read more about Greg and his ministry...

Top Ten Quotes: The Gospel Comes with a House Key

I’ve shared with you before that while I am a firm believer of corporate hospitality, I struggle like crazy with personal hospitality. I’m not against it, mind you, I’m just really terrible at carving out time...

Top Ten Quotes: More is More

It’s no surprise that businesses have a “me-problem.” They tend to build systems and infrastructures that make life easier for those that work at the company rather than those who do business with the company....

2018 Year in Review: Books

No self-respecting blogger, Facebooker, or Twitterer can let the end of a calendar year elapse without waxing eloquently about their top ten lists. This year, I have two. The posts list is coming next week, but...

Top Ten Quotes: No Silver Bullets

As ministry leaders, we tend to want quick fixes. We put a lot of stock in reading a book and then making sweeping changes as a result. We like to go to conferences and come...

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