Category: Book Review / Insight

Top Ten Quotes: The Volunteer Effect

It’s not often that I know the authors who are behind the books that are behind the Top Ten Quotes series. Yes, it would be great to say I’m besties with John Stott, Susan Cain,...

Top Ten Quotes: Humble Roots

Last year I was introduced to Hannah Anderson via All That’s Good: Recovering the Lost Art of Discernment. I immediately embraced her writing style: lyrical, flowing, something that transports you to a slower pace, and...

Top Ten Quotes: Switch

Not long ago I took our High-Capacity Volunteers through Chip and Dan Heath’s Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard. When our team was mapping out 2020 reading assignments, none of us knew...

Top Ten Quotes: Be the Bridge

A few weeks ago I shared my summer reading list for 2020. As I was assembling that list earlier this year, I reached out to trusted friends to ask what and who should be on...

Stop. Listen. Read.

Our society is broken. We’ve backed into our corners, put up our fists, circled our wagons, and muted our enemies. Earlier this week, much of social media went dark with #blackouttuesday, an effort to speak...

2020 Summer Reading List: Mine

Earlier this week I pitched ten books that I think you should read this summer. But earlier still, I started polling friends on the socials to figure out what you’re reading that I should add...

2020 Summer Reading List: Yours.

Fellow book lovers, there are two times each year that we get our time to shine. One is those is the end-of-year “top reads” list which everyone else views as braggadocious, but we all geek...

Top Ten Quotes: Habits of Grace

Recently our staff team read through David Mathis’ Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines. I’m a multi-readthrough veteran of Spiritual Disciplines by Donald Whitney, so this was a fresh take on a...

Top Ten Quotes: Multipliers

I fell in love with Liz Wiseman’s Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter from the first few pages. Alas, I read the book a couple of years ago and recently realized I’ve never...

Top Ten Quotes: Upstream

It’s no secret that I’m an unashamed fan of Chip and Dan Heath. They crank out incredibly good content wrapped in an incredibly compelling writing style. Their primary target audience isn’t churches, but I’ve given...

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