Category: Book Review / Insight

2018 Summer Reading List: Yours.

It’s summatime, summatime, sum-sum-summatime. And summatime means catch-up-on-your-reading time. Seriously, what are beaches, back porches, and poolsides for if not to break out your paperback or Kindle and make yourself smarter? (And don’t say “for...

Top Ten Quotes: The Way of the Dragon or The Way of the Lamb

Recently our staff team read The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb, by Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel. It is a painful read, not because of bad writing but because of a tough...

Top Ten Quotes: Becoming a Welcoming Church

I gravitate to church guest services books like a moth to a flame. That’s why I was very excited to see Thom Rainer release not one, but two books in the genre last month. Becoming a Welcoming Church is...

Top Ten Quotes: Not God Enough

It’s weird to have a pastor who is also an author. Take, for example, my pastor, J.D. Greear. He has written five books, and every time another one comes out, I read it (because I want to...

2017 Year In Review: Books

According to a friend in an email he sent me last night, “every leader and their cousin is posting the ‘best books I read this year.’” Well Julie*, get ready, because we have some reading to...

Top Ten Quotes: Servanthood as Worship

Church volunteer culture runs the gamut from inspirational to infuriating. If you lead volunteers, maybe you know what I mean. Inspirational, because watching a volunteer use their gifts is one of the most awe-inspiring things to see...

Top Ten Quotes: Designed to Lead

“…no organization should outpace the Church in developing leaders.” Why? Because “No other gathering of people has a greater mission, a greater promise, or a greater Reward.” …so says Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck, authors...

Top Ten Quotes: The Power of Moments

I have one rule when it comes to Chip and Dan Heath books: if they write one, I read it. It’s a simple as that. Made to Stick is a must-read for anyone who teaches, writes, or speaks...

Top Ten Quotes: How To Lead When You’re Not In Charge

I don’t pre-order a lot of books. But when I heard Clay Scroggins’ interview on the Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast, I knew this was a book I needed to read. Clay’s approach trends towards those...

Top Ten Quotes: The Service Culture Handbook

We’re currently in the middle of a reboot of our church staff guest services training. That’s not just training the people who are in charge of first impressions at a campus level…that’s everyone who leads anyone who...

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