Category: Book Review / Insight

2024 Summer Reading List: Mine

Ah, summer: the time for intense humidity, biting mosquitos, terrible sunburn, and intentional reading. If you – like me – believe that one of those things are not like the other, then read on. We’ll...

2024 Summer Reading List: Yours

As far as national holidays go, some people love Thanksgiving. Others, Christmas. There’s that one weirdo in your HOA who is Arbor Day all the way. But for my holiday affections, nothing quite measures up...

Top Ten Quotes: The Multiplication Effect

Mac Lake is a leader among leaders. Having worked as a church planter, a megachurch staff member, and a founder of a church planting network, he knows a thing or two about developing others and...

Give Me Your Favorite Book of the Past Year.

Summer book lists are upon us. Every year I try to be highly intentional on what I’m reading during the stretch from Memorial Day to Labor Day (and I usually toss in suggestions for you,...

Top Ten Quotes: Unlocking Your Church’s Invite Culture

I’m convinced that the most effective way to see growth happen in your church is still the most basic way: word of mouth, one-on-one invitations between friends. That’s just one of the reasons I’m excited...

Top Ten Quotes: Transformative Friendships

Simply put, my friend and co-worker Brad Hambrick is a gift to the local church. A counselor by trade and training, he believes in the concept of “showing your work,” and has helped untold numbers...

How to Lead a Book Discussion

In a recent post I talked about how to choose a book (or books, because plural books are better) with your volunteers or staff. In this post, I want to talk about how you actually...

Top Ten Quotes: Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager

I am neither a project manager nor the son of a project manager. (I’m more what you’d call an assistant to the regional project manager.) That said, at any given time in my role, I’m...

Top Ten Quotes: You Are What You Love

Several years ago a friend introduced me to James K.A. Smith’s You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit. The quote he shared led to this post about how preparation and anticipation can...

2023 Year in Review: Books

It’s that time of year again, when you can barely open social media without being assaulted by every wanna-be’s top ten list. Because I fancy myself a wanna-be wanna-be (that’s an entirely different level of...