Category: Book Review / Insight

Top Ten Quotes: Unreasonable Hospitality

I’ll just jump right in: one of the top five books I’ve read this year is Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect. It’s written by Will Guidara, the general...

Top Ten Quotes: The Experience Maker

I’ve long been a fan of Dan Gingiss, co-host of the Experience This! podcast with Joey Coleman. The podcast is built around the customer service experience, and if you’ve been around this blog space for...

Top Ten Quotes: The Culture Solution

Matthew Kelly’s The Culture Solution: A Practical Guide to Building a Dynamic Culture delivers on the title. It’s imminently practical, and the steps he lays out really will lead to a culture that lives and...

Top Ten Quotes: Empowering Leadership

This summer and fall, a few of us on our team are reading Michael Fletcher’s Empowering Leadership: How a Leadership Development Culture Builds Better Leaders Faster. I’ve found it to be a helpful, encouraging book...

Top Ten Quotes: God of All Things

One of the most delightful books I’ve read so far from my summer reading list is – hands down – God of All Things: Rediscovering the Sacred in an Everyday World by Andrew Wilson. I’ve...

Top Ten Quotes: Wisdom at Work

Chip Conley was a legend in the hotel industry. He had served as CEO of Joie de Vivre Hospitality for 26 years. At age 52, a young tech wizard invited him to leave it all...

Top Ten Quotes: The Come Back Culture

I’m doing a rare author giveaway today…stay tuned until after the quotes. I’ve long been a fan of my friend Jason Young. Whether we’re talking about his previous books like The Come Back Effect or...

2022 Summer Reading List: Mine

Earlier this week I offered up ten books that I think you should read this summer (Have you ordered ’em yet? You haven’t, have you?). Today, in the interest of full disclosure (and wanting to...

2022 Summer Reading List: Yours

It’s that time again, campers: the late-springtime when nerds get giddy with excitement over everyone’s recommended beach reading lists. I have ten for you, picked out of what I’ve read over the last year. These...

Top Ten Quotes: The Coaching Habit

Occasionally I’ll skim a book that was recommended to me, only to realize post-skim just how valuable the book was, and the need to go back for a deeper dive. Such was the case with...

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