Category: General Ranting

Wednesday Worship: Firework

Wednesday Worship: Firework

Just in case you missed the link earlier this week on my Twitter account, we have a heckuva worship team with some crazy mad skills. Last week at our staff Christmas party, they unveiled their...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Three things that have grabbed my attention like a spider monkey grabs a toupee off a bald guy’s head, in 3…2… Fluffo Gave Middle Tennesseans Good Night’s Sleep For 80 Years. In the “purely personal” category,...

Flashback Friday: O Holy Night: The Mystery Revealed

Flashback Friday: O Holy Night: The Mystery Revealed

This remains one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs. You owe it to yourself to click through to the links below and give ‘er a listen… For the last eight or nine Christmases, the butchered...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

It’s easy-peasy day around the blog, where I put up cool links and you click ’em. Hey, I’m just here to serve. The One Minute Change That Will Transform Your Company. Or your church. It’s about...

Flashback Friday: “We Don’t Do Comfortable.”

Flashback Friday: “We Don’t Do Comfortable.”

E’ry Friday, I scrape a couple of layers of strata off of the archaeological archives. Today, I dug up a post that just got me riled up all over again. Actually, it might have riled...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

TGIT? You betcha. Here are three things that I’ve had my eyes on this week (click the header links to read the full articles). Broken Events. Every single pastor and every single speaker and every single...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Thursday hath arrived. And with it, the terrific trio: Seven Things a Pastor’s Kid Needs from His Father. If anyone has the right to write this, it’s the son of the Pied Piper himself. Good stuff...

Why You Should Hate the iPhone 5

Why You Should Hate the iPhone 5

I realize it’s a bit late in the day to be tossing out new blog content, but two things: Today I’ve been busier than a two fingered man in a high five contest. I’m way...

Thursday One For All

Thursday One For All

If you’ve been around these parts for any length of time, you know that every Thursday is reserved for “Thursday Three For All,” a trio of links to things both serious and silly that I’ve...

Flashback Friday: Adventures in Missing the Point

Flashback Friday: Adventures in Missing the Point

Here’s what the Wayback Machine is serving up today… The Rocky Mountain Tour happened last Wednesday. Or Thursday. Or April. I’m not sure when it was, since I’ve checked neither watch nor calendar since I’ve...