Category: General Ranting

Flashback Friday: Insights on Incisors

Flashback Friday: Insights on Incisors

Flashback Friday = Big Fun. Well, for me anyway, because I get to dust off the archives… I’m a fainter.  I’m not proud of that fact, but it’s true.  I faint when pain hits me,...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday. I’m lazy. But why should you suffer? Here are three quick reads that I’ve loved this week. Maybe you will, too:   When Leaders React Emotionally: An Interview With Home Depot CEO Frank...

Flashback Friday: The Plane Truth

Flashback Friday: The Plane Truth

Every Friday we slow the heck down and rewind to some classic posts. And by “classic,” I mean “old.” Here’s one for all of you who love to fly… …let’s face it: “imminent death” was...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

T34A time. Here’s some of the stuff I’ve been enjoying this week. You will too. I 74% guarantee it. How Waiters Read Your Table. It’s not a secret that one of the great regrets of my...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

It’s that time, boys and girls: time to jump in the wayback machine and dig up a few things from this week’s news… Canadian Man Excavates His Basement Using R/C Trucks Over Seven Years. File this...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Every Thursday we dial back the original content a bit (because let’s face it…Monday through Wednesday ain’t exactly an art walk through the Louvre) and share a little of what I’ve been reading on the...

Flashback Friday: Salvation by Super Bowl?

Flashback Friday: Salvation by Super Bowl?

It’s Friday, Friday, the day of the week where everyone wants to find the girl who sang that song and just clock her upside the head. Today we dust off the archives and rewind three...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

‘Tis another Thursday, blog readers, which means it’s time for T34A, a feature where I step back and let others step up. It’s social networking at it’s finest. It’s a tip o’ the hat to...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

The T34A is back…three links to stuff I’ve been reading and think might be of some interest to you. Enjoy. Singapore Airport’s extraordinary customer service (thanks to Brad O’Brien for the link) To Do Lists...

Sometimes You Gotta Get It Out(let)

So not too long ago, we sold our house after five years on the market and moved into a rental while we continue to search for just the right Casa Del Franks. Editor’s note: You...