Category: General Ranting

Tales of a Slide Clicker

I’ve been participating in a conference this week where I’m wearing lots of hats: team organizer, accountant, logistical planner, transportation expert, even speaker.  But the one hat that I’ve come to despise is that of...

You Make the Caption

You Make the Caption

Oh sure, I could come up with something.  But I’d rather you do it:

Rejected Sermon Titles

Rejected Sermon Titles

Sunday I had the opportunity to preach in front of my fave peeps – the folks at Summit’s Brier Creek campus.  It was a tough message out of Hosea, which absolutely wrecked me last week....

Lost Detox

Lost Detox

This morning’s post sponsored by funny boys Rhett & Link.  I have to get back to repairing my brain after last night’s explosion.

I Want This Guy’s Life

I Want This Guy’s Life

I have no idea who he is, but I see him in North Durham all the time, and I like the way he rolls.  Literally. Yep, that’s a surfboard and a Coke cooler permanently attached...

Food Wars

I’m going to go ahead and apologize to Jon Acuff.  You may have heard of Jon; he writes a small, struggling blog and matching book called Stuff Christians Like with enough readers to take on...

Easter Sunday in Pictures…

19 services.  4500+ adults in attendance.  Hundreds of volunteers.  Thousands of lives impacted by the gospel, and somewhere around 180 baptisms (we’re still getting final numbers on that one).  Awesome! Here are a few scenes...

The Plane Truth

Compared to some of you who read this blog, I don’t fly much.  The pinnacle of my globe-hopping career was the time that I scored enough frequent flyer miles to get a subscription to Fast...

This Post is Rated Pee.G.

This Post is Rated Pee.G.

I have a dog.  You know that if you’ve read the blog-that-is-not-a-dog-blog for any length of time.  But more specifically, I have a dog that I don’t understand, and I’m convinced that no one else...

An Open Letter to an Anonymous Donor

An Open Letter to an Anonymous Donor

Dear Benevolent Benefactor: As the veteran of 17+ years of dwelling in church offices, this shouldn’t surprise me.  It really shouldn’t.  In my first ministry position, my “office” was a glorified card table in the...