Category: Learning Curve

Stop Discovering Your Spiritual Gift

[This post is based on a sermon I preached at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. If you get the notion, you can listen to the entire message here.] Maybe you grew up in a church like...

Why You Shouldn’t Serve The Church

[This post is based on a sermon I preached at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. If you get the notion, you can listen to the entire message here.] You don’t have to live in Church World...

Killing the Culture of Entitlement

[This post is based on a sermon I preached at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. If you get the notion, you can listen to the entire message here.] It’s no secret that the Summit is...

Summer Reading List

Summer Reading List

Yes, yes. I realize that summer break is roughly 1/3 over. But I’m just now getting around to some vacation reading, which means I’m just now getting around to my sort of annual suggested reading...

“You Happy, Daddy?”

My little girl will turn three in August. She is the source of way too much laughter in our family. Her adorability seems to know no bounds, and she has her three big brothers, her...

Flashback Friday: Pride And Anxiety

Flashback Friday: Pride And Anxiety

Often when I pray, I’ll pray through 1 Peter 5:5-7 as a reminder of how to walk through my day: Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud...

Breakfast & Biracial Families

Breakfast & Biracial Families

This is my new favorite commercial on TV, for obvious reasons. The little girl is cute as a button, and reminds me of…I don’t know…somebody.   But if you’ve been following the blogosphere, you know...

Flashback Friday: Overcharging for the Gospel

Flashback Friday: Overcharging for the Gospel

I own a 14 year old entrepreneur. Well, “entrepreneur” may be too nice of a word. “Con artist,” “swindler,” “shyster” … those are the words that more accurately describe my – ahem – entrepreneur. Austin has launched...

Flashback Friday: Your Preferences May Be The Problem

Flashback Friday: Your Preferences May Be The Problem

I’m a man with exquisite tastes. Well, that’s not entirely accurate. I’ve been known to polish off a bag of chips that are well past the expiration date. And also, I view high dining as...

Raise Ebenezer? Check.

Raise Ebenezer? Check.

Two weeks. Two. Glorious. Weeks. That’s what it’s been since the last post. In that time, my girl and I got away for a few days to celebrate twenty years of marriage. It was five...