Category: Learning Curve

Forever Home.

Forever Home.

The bystanders at Raleigh-Durham Airport never knew what hit them. Late Monday afternoon a few dozen people descended on Terminal 2. They brought banners and balloons and cookies and a camera crew. They gathered at...

The High Cost of Free

The High Cost of Free

Last Thursday night was designated family night at the Casa de la Franks, a night where we temporarily gave up the individual staring at iPads, iPods, iPhones and iPreciouses for the collective staring at the...

How to Complain

Preface: if you’re a pastor (or you’re a human), you’re going to receive criticism. And if you’re a pastor (or you’re human), you’re going to give criticism. So if you’re gonna do it, you might...

The Morning After: A Call to Humility

The Morning After: A Call to Humility

Stop gloating. Stop grumbling. Start praying for the man who has been appointed to lead our country.     Don’t idolize him. Don’t demonize him. Just intercede for him and his task ahead.    ...

Calling All Connections Pastors

Calling All Connections Pastors

Connectors gonna connect. Back in 2003 when I started in the brand new role of Assimilation Pastor here at the Summit Church, I had one thought on my mind: “Does assimilation have one ‘m’ or...

You Never Leave Middle School

…or at least that was the famous saying of a student pastor I used to work with. His theory was that we never really leave behind the self-concious insecure zit-focused weirdness that seems to punctuate...

Mechanics vs. Organics

I’m not a big fan of mechanical change. That’s what happens when we add to our spiritual, physical, or vocational disciplines because we’re s’posed to. (If you’re not from the south, “s’posed to” is a...

Target or Mindset?

I just wrapped up a phone call with an old friend who is a pastor in another state. He’s serving at a new church, maneuvering new challenges, and trying to figure out the age-old question...

Turn Your Leaders Loose

One of my First Impressions shift leaders snapped this picture on Sunday and sent it to me. He was impressed. I was beyond impressed. I think you will be too: This is a diagram that...

Flashback Friday: Overcharging for the Gospel

Flashback Friday: Overcharging for the Gospel

What can you learn about grace vs. works from your kids? Plenty… I own a 14 year old entrepreneur. Well, “entrepreneur” may be too nice of a word. “Con artist,” “swindler,” “shyster” … those are the words...