Category: Learning Curve

Topical Tuesday: Through the Mud

Topical Tuesday: Through the Mud

Today we begin a several-week series called Topical Tuesdays, where you pick the topic and I make up answers.  You can add your topic / question to the list by commenting on this post.  Today’s...

My Pleasure

Chick-Fil-A is the undisputed customer-experience king in the fast food world.  Any Chick-Fil-A.  Any employee.  Any day…you’re going to get a high-quality experience. “Um, yeah.  I have this coupon for a free chicken sandwich, but...

Book Review: The Church of Facebook

Book Review: The Church of Facebook

After devouring The Church of Facebook, I feel a little like the monkey who kissed the skunk: I didn’t get all I wanted, but I got more than I could stand.  The title led me...

Book Review: The Language of Love & Respect

Book Review: The Language of Love & Respect

I got in touch with my inner bookworm over Christmas vacation.  Two of the five books I finished will be reviewed here this week.  Stay tuned for a review of The Church of Facebook, coming...

Book Review: The Language of Love & Respect

Book Review: The Language of Love & Respect

I got in touch with my inner bookworm over Christmas vacation.  Two of the five books I finished will be reviewed here this week.  Stay tuned for a review of The Church of Facebook, coming...

What Oprah Can Teach Us About Worship

I’ll admit it: I give Oprah a hard time.  And I give people who watch Oprah a hard time.  But I’ll give the Great O this: she understands worship. Nope, not true, biblical worship, but...

Happy New…Day?

Happy New…Day?

Like many of you, I rang in the new year by watching the celebration in Times Square.  It seems that December 31 isn’t complete until we see Jennifer Lopez in a gold onesie or Dick...

Year End Review: Posts

Year End Review: Posts

A couple of days ago I sat down and did a quick (10 minutes, tops) review of this years blog posts.  Less than ten minutes, because to be honest, I’m not that interested in reading...

Year End Review: Books

Year End Review: Books

I dig me some books, and there were some doozies this year.  Here are the best books I read in ’09, in no particular order… A Comedian’s Guide to Theology: Side-splittingly funny, yet amazingly doctrinally-correct...

Lying Tiger Laid Bare, Oh My!

Lying Tiger Laid Bare, Oh My!

I wish the New York Post would contact me today, for two reasons.  First, I want to sell them my very clever headline (above, don’t miss it) for a bajillion zillion dollars.  I would, of...

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