Category: Learning Curve

My Brush With Death

My Brush With Death

A couple of weeks ago Merriem and I were on a hot date (translated: running errands to pick up stuff at Target).  We were going to make a quick stop at the Hot Date Breakfast...

Jon Minus Kate = Not Too L8

Jon Minus Kate = Not Too L8

As you’ve heard by now, the tabloids’ latest earth-shattering news is the divorce of reality show stars Jon & Kate Gosselin.  I’ve become a fan of their show mainly through my wife, who digs Kate’s...

I Need Your Help!

I Need Your Help!

Okay, blog readers, it’s time to step up to the microphone. Or the comment box.  Sorry, my middle kid has been listening to a lot of Newsboys lately and I’m having flashbacks. I’m working on...

Jonah Moments

Saturday night we arrived home after a long day of church stuff, kids’ friends’ birthday parties, and a cook out with our small group.  As I pulled into the driveway it was entirely evident that the...

Summer Reading List

Summer Reading List

Okay, show of hands: who had a teacher who made you laugh on the last day of school?  You know the ones I’m talking about: those well meaning souls – typically with those hair bun...

Comfort Zones

Comfort Zones

In case I haven’t mentioned it lately, I dig my small group.  I also dig Spence and company’s latest method to put Sunday’s messages into action.   I bring that up because last Sunday night,...

Listen To Your Wife, Part Deux

Listen To Your Wife, Part Deux

Here’s an unexpected affirmation of a recent post, and also a shout out to the guy who found his way to this blog by typing “what if you think your wife is stupid” into Google....

Life’s Too Short for Bad Podcasts

Life’s Too Short for Bad Podcasts

I’ll freely admit that I am addicted to my iPod.  I’m not the iPod guy on Apple commercials of yesteryear: the guy rocking out to Death Cab for Cutie while waiting in line for the...

The Futility of Balance

The Futility of Balance

At our annual staff retreat last fall, pastor / guru Al Gilbert from Calvary Baptist over in Winston-Salem spent a couple of days downloading just a sliver of his knowledge to our relatively young staff...

Don’t Look Back

Wednesday was a first at our household.  After weeks of begging, I finally relented and let my 12 year old hop on the riding mower and mow the lawn.  I had mowed all the tough...