Category: Learning Curve

Feel the (Fuel) Burn

I have a 2004 Hyundai Sonata with a couple of superpowers: one is an after-market Bluetooth radio that allows me to beam music and podcasts from my phone to my car’s speakers by complete magic (I...

Leadership Is Not For The Privileged

The book of Judges contains a relatively obscure story about one of the greatest villains in biblical history. If Abimelech were a modern-day movie character, he’d come pre-programmed with his own bad guy soundtrack (I imagine...

Don’t Just Intersect.

I get confused sometimes. I’m not referring to walking into a room and forgetting the reason (though that happens all the time to, fo’ real). I don’t mean tossing one of my wife’s sweaters in...

Flashback Friday: Think Small

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! Sometimes, we think too big: Big plans. Big dreams. Big ideas. We whip...

Eight Ways to Develop a Critical Eye

Today we wrap a short series called Critical Eyes vs. Critical Spirits. In the last post we discussed Seven Ways to Know if You Have a Critical Spirit, which was – just so you know – pretty...

Seven Ways to Know if You Have a Critical Spirit

In the last post, I set up a short series about Critical Eyes vs. Critical Spirits. In any type of leadership, critical eyes are a must. We have to be able to identify and strip away...


[This post originally appeared on July 4, 2011.] When I was in 8th grade, I had a gig as a teacher in “Children’s Church,” which is where Christian parents send their kids so they won’t...

2016 Summer Reading List: Mine

Yesterday I posted a few books that I highly recommend for your beach bag this summer. Today I thought I’d turn the tables and tell you what I’m planning on working through. I do this...

2016 Summer Reading List: Yours

You’ve probably already started your beach reads for the summer. But if there’s still room in that super cool canvas tote bag, I’d like to suggest some of my favorites from the past year:  ...

Flashback Friday: Six Things You Need To Know About Your Wedding

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! Gather ’round, children. Uncle Danny is going to divert from the normal posts...