Category: Outta Here

Gaining By Losing: a Review

My pastor wrote a book. Another one. This makes four, if you’re not counting The Adventures of Tripod the Three-Legged Dog, which was a graphic novel he penned in fourth grade, according to a fact that...

Vision Weekend 2015

No doubt about it: one of my favorite things we do all year at the Summit is our annual Vision Weekend. It’s a look back at God’s faithfulness. A look ahead at his promises. And...

Why We Do Christmas At DPAC

We’re neck-deep in last-minute planning for one of the largest events we do all year. Christmas at DPAC takes months of planning, miles of cable, tons of lights, our entire staff team, and some 1,300 volunteers...

Christmas at DPAC 2014

Yes, I know, we’re still two days shy of Thanksgiving and I’m talking Christmas, but as that great theologian Taylor Swift says, haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate. I’m pretty excited about our third...

Missional Hospitality

The following is a guest post by Josh Miller, the Summit’s Associate Pastor for North American Church Planting. (Full disclosure: I didn’t ask for the shout out in the post, but I do appreciate it.) Follow Josh...

Nobody Cares About Your Rules

I have a theory about Church People. I’m allowed to have theories about Church People, because I myself am a Church Person. Born and bred. All my life plus nine months. Went straight from the hospital...


Over the last few months our family has charged headlong into a series of firsts. Our oldest, Jacob, has naturally been the one to break us in on the first-time parents thing in just about everything...

Lemonade for the Least of These

My friends, what you’re about to read is going to make you put down your electronic device and thank Jesus for the next generation. I am incredibly excited to be on the Lemonade for the...

Tips for Remote Warriors

As I type, a portion of our church offices (including my own) are getting a quick paint job. Our offices are mostly populated by guys in their 20’s to 40’s, so the walls are not what...

We Send Our Best

This weekend the Summit commissioned 108 people to four North American church plants. Over the next few weeks we’ll be seeing these folks move to D.C., Wilmington, NC, and two locations in Durham. Our Summit Network has been...