Category: Purely Personal

Insights on Incisors

Insights on Incisors

I can’t think of a better way to spend a morning than to hang out in the dentist’s chair.  Oh sure, being kicked in the head with a golf shoe or repeatedly jabbed in the...

One Year Later

On February 6, 2008, I flipped on the TV as I was getting ready to come into the office.  Good Morning America was running a story about a tornado that had touched down in some...

Extreme Home Breakdown

Extreme Home Breakdown

It’s been a busy weekend at the Franks household.  So busy, in fact, that coming back to the Grand Central Station we call the Summit offices is looking pretty dang good. This was the weekend...

Frank Capra was a Liar

For my out-of-state readers, let me bring you up to speed by telling you that the Triangle area received anywhere from 2 to 6 inches of snow on Monday night.  (Without that info, this story...


This is a view of my office after a busy Frontline / Starting Point weekend.  There comes a point on a weekend like this that you stop looking for places to put things, and just...

Sweet Sixteen

Today, there will be no Frontline preparation.  There will be no answering e-mails.  Heck, there won’t even be my hourly check of Drudge Report. Today my bride and I celebrate sixteen years of marriage.  I’m...

Winner, Winner, Burrito Dinner

I remember a conversation with my middle son about filling out one of those “free dinner” cards that you often see sitting in the lobbies of restaurants or the countertop at a gas station.  I...

1Another :: Bear the Burden

At the Summit, we’re currently going through the book of Acts of Sunday morning.  Our Cannonball series is walking us through the “why” of church life.  Today is a two-fer (here’s the other post) as we wrap up...

Best Quote of Christmas Vacation

Best Quote of Christmas Vacation

The setting: Christmas morning, pulling up into my parents’ driveway. From the back seat, Austin, my eleven year old who – the last time I checked – is in the gifted program at his school,...

Convoluted Conversation

Convoluted Conversation

We just returned from the Christmas trek to Tennessee / Alabama, where we took part in what I refer to as the Biannual Festival of Awkward Small Talk (BFAST).  Okay, so I’ve never really called...